Chang Der Fire Protections Corporationsecurity & safety products, fire protection ( fire fighting, firefighting) equipments- automatic sprinklers, foam heads, waterflow alarm valve system, vertical foam liquid tanks, foam proportioners & orifices, manual switches & end test devices, fire hose couplings, fire hoses, hose racks, angle hose valves, hydrant valves, reducing hydrant valves, LP hydrant valves, landing valves, flanged hydrant valves, brass straight stream nozzles, straight stream nozzles & spray heads, belted hose nozzles, belted non-recoil hose nozzles, foam nozzles & foam generators, fire department connections, inlet breeching units, dual ball dual outlet valves, brass adapters, brass caps & plugs, brass wrenches, ground fire hydrants, fire hydrant wrenches, fire extinguishers, exit light and emergency direction lights, emergency lightings, smoke & heat detectors, slowly descending devices, hook frames, metallic emergency ladders. ; products Manufacturers,B2B Marketing-Taiwan,China,Global
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Chang Der Fire Protections Corporation
  Company Description
Chang Der Fire Protections Corp. is a professional manufacturer of high quality fire fighting equipments. The brand CD (Chang Der) is a trade-mark which created by industries that are in compliance with hundred years of fire fighting conception and conscience. The product qualities are relative to the safety of all human's lives and their properties. In order to promote the products, we have invested a large amount of capital to conduct the research and development, leading to the advanced automated production facilities, and the entire system test instruments. Regarding the quality control, we have ISO 9001 certification and BSMI (Bureau of Standard, Metrology and Inspection) Certified Quality System. Furthermore, some products are UL listed, and the series products are exported worldwide.
security & safety products, fire protection ( fire fighting, firefighting) equipments- automatic sprinklers, foam heads, waterflow alarm valve system, vertical foam liquid tanks, foam proportioners & orifices, manual switches & end test devices, fire hose couplings, fire hoses, hose racks, angle hose valves, hydrant valves, reducing hydrant valves, LP hydrant valves, landing valves, flanged hydrant valves, brass straight stream nozzles, straight stream nozzles & spray heads, belted hose nozzles, belted non-recoil hose nozzles, foam nozzles & foam generators, fire department connections, inlet breeching units, dual ball dual outlet valves, brass adapters, brass caps & plugs, brass wrenches, ground fire hydrants, fire hydrant wrenches, fire extinguishers, exit light and emergency direction lights, emergency lightings, smoke & heat detectors, slowly descending devices, hook frames, metallic emergency ladders.

  Contact information
Company :  Chang Der Fire Protections Corporation
Email:  Contact us
Phone:  886-4-7588168
Fax :  886-4-7588169
Country :  Taiwan
Address :  No. 788, Hexian Rd., Xianxi Township, Changhua Hsien 50743, Taiwan

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