[CN] Delikon steel cold hot rolling mill motor variable speed drive VFD cable protection shielding steel casting rolling mill automation PLC PAC wiring EMI RFI Dec 9, 2023
Delikon steel cold hot rolling mill motor variable speed drive VFD cable protection shielding steel casting rolling mill automation PLC PAC wiring EMI RFI Shielding Over Braided Flexible Conduit EMI RFI Shield Termination Heavy Series Connector protect Motion Control Systems cables, Variable Frequency Drive cables
EMI RFI Shield Termination High Temperature Heavy Series Swivel Connector
Even in environmental extremes like high temperatures and rough conditions, your system needs to perform as efficiently as possible. Delikon Motion Control Systems EMI RFI Shielding Over Braided Flexible Conduit and EMI RFI Shielding Termination Heavy Series Connector are as durable as they are versatile, improving application performance and boosting productivity.
Besides protecting cables from physical damage and premature cable failure, Delikon EMI RFI Shielding Over Braided Flexible Conduit system also keeps electrical magnetic interference EMI from escaping. Delikon EMI RFI Shielding Termination Heavy Series Connector allows the shield to become a low impedance path for high frequency common mode current to flow from the motor back to the inverter. Delikon EMI RFI Shielding Over Braided Flexible Conduit system offers the proper shielding needed to reduce EMI RFI noise and to provide a low impedance signal return path, preventing the common mode or stray voltage that leads to premature cable and or equipment failure
<p align="center"><a href="http://delikonflex.com/emishield.html"><img border="0" src="http://delikonflex.com/images/motionp1.jpg" alt="Delikon EMI RFI Shielding Over Braided Flexible Conduit and EMI RFI Shielding Termination Heavy Series Connector protect Motion Control Systems cables, Variable Frequency Drive cables">