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Pulsarlube USA

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Pulsarlube M unit 

  Category : Distributor and trading company->Others

Pulsarlube M unit

  Product Specification
  Size  H = 210mm W = 91mm
  Materials  Durable Plastic
  Color  Orange
  Minimum Order  0


    Product Detail
  The Pulsarlube M, is a single-point automatic grease dispenser that is designed to ensure reliable lubrication and cut lubrication costs with an advanced electronic control mechanism. It consists of a vertical feed pump, motor/gear set, and microprocessor control system, allowing operating pressure of 20kg-f/cm2 (280psi).

The lubricant is supplied in 125cc or 250cc PulsarlubeM pouch. Grease pouch and battery pack are replaceable in one package. Pularlube M is designed to operate across a wide temperature range from -15 to +60慢
(from 5 to 140 慚)

A carefully selected full range of high performance lubricants enables accurate selection of grease: mineral based multipurpose, heavy duty, high speed, fully synthetic food grade (USDA H1)High temperature and Low temperature lubricants.

Pulsarlube M offers 6 optional dispensing rates of 1,2,3,6, 12, and half month in a single unit.


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